…Still on Namek.
Instead of a bath, this began with the two obnoxious hanger-on princesses visiting a bookstore for yaoi. It was then stolen by yet another girl with an unusual speaking pattern who, shocking twist, ended up being yet another princess. No wonder they can wander around the town completely unattended. Literally every other female in this world is a princess. Who cares if you lose four or five of them? Other 'highlights' of the episode included running into her yaoi superstar, spankings, and nobody taking a bath. I guess they also 'introduced' about a dozen new characters at the end, but since they were almost entirely males, all they got were a nametag slapped over them. Better hope there's not a quiz on that later, although from the preview of next week, we've moved on from 'hilarious' hijinks to people glaring. Not exactly a step up. Since getting to the big city, they have done nothing but introduce an entire goddamned gaggle of characters and I'm still waiting for them to do a goddamned single thing with any of them, main duo included.
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