Go forward by doing nothing.
For the interested, Luck and Logic's first half of the first episode (maybe, since sometimes they chop things up weirdly for pre-airs) came out yesterday. I guess I sort of watched it, but aside from wincing at the uncanny valley of the CGI 'enhanced' action sequences, came out of it with mostly a shrug and the standard "your tone is a haphazard mess" issues from the 'super serious flaming lava warthog' threatening the mall that made the protagonist accidentally tackle his magical girlfriend in the boobs abruptly transforming into a fat squeaking pig and comically hopping away after Glitter Force did their very best but couldn't beat it anyway. It doesn't actually air until the 9th.
At least this episode was terrible in a somewhat different way than that last 10 or so. Only slightly though, because it's still the same tidal wave of characters thrown at the screen doing jack squat. The new OP apparently exhausted the entire budget for the episode too. After the opening with the evil Arabs desert people murdering people and showing the terror of their shouting via speedlines, the entire rest of the episode was sitting at a table talking, sitting around a map talking, or sitting around without a table or a map talking. It was just as interesting as you'd expect watching logistics meetings to be. Maybe next week, they can discuss budgets and ISO-9000. The only time anybody seemed to care (or that they felt was worth animating), was when the 'comical' greedy fat guy got upset and so his mustache stood on end like a Bullwinkle cartoon. Even with this clear reboot, it's not making a good case for itself in any way.
Next Episode:
See the comical way they all hide but aren't hidden at all? Hilarious!